Full Service Water, Fire and Mold Cleanup Restoration Specialists
Full Service Water, Fire and Mold Cleanup Restoration Specialists
Heavy rainfall can put any building’s foundations to the test. When storms get intense, water becomes powerful and destructive literally a force of nature. No one can be prepared for every eventuality, but when something goes wrong, you’ll have our help.
Basements are magnets for runoff water, whether from rain, roof drainage, a malfunctioning sump pump, or some other source. It only takes one crack in the foundation for water to flow in.
Not only can a sewer backup lead to flooding, the result is sometimes dangerous. Gray- or black-water contamination can contain pathogens that lead to infection or serious illness. Flooding from sewer blockages should be considered an emergency and be dealt with immediately.
When your faucet, tub, water heater, or other appliance leaks, the results can vary from annoying to devastating. Water that builds up on a floor can make its way inside, collecting in hard-to-reach places. You then run the very real risks of wood damage and mold contamination. If your water damage is the result of a toilet or dishwasher overflow, you can add pathogen contamination to the list of perils. Have a professional inspect the situation to avoid large costs later on.
If your property caught on fire and firefighters were called in, or you dealt with the fire yourself with water, you may be dealing with the one-two punch of both fire damage and water damage. TomCo. has the expertise to fully restore your home, addressing both types of damage at once.
Flooding can become an even bigger problem if not addressed in a timely manner, and should be mitigated as quickly as possible.
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